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Emotional self-care strategies to calm the storm.

LifeWay Counseling Centers Resources Emotional self-care strategies to calm the storm.

Emotional self-care strategies to calm the storm.

Posted By Andy

In light of the recent turbulence and caused by COVID-19, the Life Way Counseling Center hopes to provide you and your family with stability, hope, and guidance.

In uncertain times, we are only as strong as our minds. We are now called to focus on our own mental and emotional health and return to our spiritual roots. While we may not be able to control the world around us, we can control our thoughts and how we respond to change. Take these simple steps daily to steer away from fear and into love and care.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

– 2 Timothy 1:7

Steps to Emotional Self-Care:

1. Stop Feeding the Fear

Our feelings of fear and panic are real, but we don't have to feed them. When we give all our attention to anxieties of our circumstances, we only allow the problem to grow and steal our peace. Instead, decide to acknowledge your fear but stop feeding it. Tune in and avoid any triggers that set off your panic response or send your thoughts into a negative spiral. Fear may be present, but panic is a choice.

Exercise: Starve your fear by focusing on what's real.

  • Family is real. Talk with loved ones near and far. Dig up old funny family photos.
  • Friendships are real. Call a friend to reminisce about old times.
  • Work is real. Send jokes to coworkers while taking on this challenge together.
  • Social groups are real. Keep up with your church group, bible study, or volunteer group online.

2. Change Your Self-Talk

When it comes to emotional self-care, it's all about positive self-talk. Self-talk is what we say to ourselves about our situation or circumstances. Negative self-talk will lead to ruminating thoughts that keep us anxious, fearful, depressed, or angry. The power is in the thoughts themselves. We can choose what we say to ourselves and others. Positive self-talk is the remedy for anxiety.

Exercise: Look for the evidence.

When you find yourself caught up in negative thoughts, stop and look for the evidence in what you are saying. Is it really true? Or is it fear speaking? Chances are, you will find evidence against your negative thoughts. Change your phrase to something more positive and true.

3. Redirect Energy Spent on Worry to Serve Others

Worry is expensive. It robs us of our time, our power, and our energy. What could we accomplish without all this worry? Instead of letting worry take control of your mind, use your energy to do something proactive. Service to others release pent up worry, brings joy to our hearts, and provides a beautiful way to connect to your community in a globally distressing time.

Exercise: The Rubber Band Trick.

Wear a rubber band on your wrist and lightly snap it anytime a worry comes to mind. The snap signifies the worry has been noticed and contained and you can now get on with something better - like helping a neighbor!

4. Dive into Spirituality

Times of crisis are always an open invitation to refocus on spirituality. We may be suffering, but there is one thing that will never change: God's love. Consider Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” You will never be isolated from God, and now is the perfect time to strengthen your connection.

Exercise: Enjoy Extra Time for Spirituality

  • Join an online worship service or online church community.
  • Read Bible passages daily.
  • Learn a new skill or develop your mind.
  • Sing your favorite worship songs or hymns.
  • Meditate and practice gratitude.